
I can not access Tuleap front page

Check all services are running with the following commands:

systemctl status nginx
systemctl status tuleap-php-fpm
systemctl status rh-mysql80-mysqld

Check the correct ports are exposed for each service with:

ss -lntp

Check your firewall is disabled or correctly configured:

systemctl status firewalld
firewall-cmd --list-all

Ports 80 and 443 should be opened.

I have a blank page when accessing a web page

Check NGINX and PHP logs: Logs

I can not log in or I’m redirected indefinitely on the login page

Check that you access your Tuleap instance with the same URL than the one present in the following files:


If URLs differ, choose one and configure it everywhere. Tuleap can only be accessed by one address.

Backend workers are not processing the system events

You can track worker activity in /var/log/tuleap/worker_log log file (you might need to change the $sys_logger_level value to make if more verbose).

I checked everything and it’s still not working

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