Releases and Files (FRS)

The released files (FRS) can be imported, the XML syntax is:

    <service shortname="file" enabled="true" />




        <notes>some notes</notes>
        <changes>some changes</changes>
        <user format="username">alice</user>


          <description>one file to rule them all</description>
          <user format="username">alice</user>


        <link name="test" url="" release-time="2016-07-19T10:38:19+01:00">
           <user format="username">alice</user>





The XML must contain a single <frs/> element containing zero or more packages. The packages can contain zero or more releases, which can contain zero or more files.

A package is constructed using a <package/> XML element containing:

  • A name attribute

  • A rank optional integer attribute

  • A hidden optional boolean attribute

  • A single <read-access/> element containing the access definitions.

  • A <release/> element per releease.

A release is constructed using a <release/> XML element containing:

  • A name attribute

  • A time attribute containing the ISO-8601 representation of the release date.

  • A preformatted attribute containing a boolean that indicates if the release notes and changelog are preformatted.

  • An artifact_id attribute referencing an artifact that must be present in the XML content. The FRS plugin must be installed to take into account the value.

  • A single <read-access/> element containing the access definitions.

  • A single <notes/> element containing the release notes

  • A single <changes/> element containing the changelog

  • A single <user> element describing the user who made the release

  • A <file/> element per file contained in the release

A file is constructed using a <file/> XML element containing:

  • A src attribute pointing to the file to import (relative to the XML file)

  • A md5sum attribute containing the MD5 hash of the file (checked on import, optional)

  • A name attribute: the file name (optional)

  • A release-time attribute: the ISO-8601 representation of the time when the file was released (optional, current time used if not provided)

  • A post-date attribute encoded in ISO-8601 (optional, current time used if not provided)

  • An arch attribute: the name of the architecture of the file as appearing in the table frs_processor. On a fresh install, the processor list is i386, x86_64, PPC, MIPS, Sparc, UltraSparc, IA64, Alpha, Any, Other.

  • A filetype attribute: the name of the file type of the file as appearing in the column frs_filetype. On a fresh install, the file types available are Binary .rpm, Binary .deb, Binary .zip, Binary .bz2, Binary .gz, Binary .tar.gz, .tgz, Binary .jar, Binary installer, Other Binary File, Source .rpm, Source .zip, Source .bz2, Source .gz, Source .tar.gz, .tgz, Other Source File, .Documentation (any format), text, html, pdf, Other.

  • An optional <description/> element containing a file description

  • An optional <user/> element describing the user who posted the file

Access definitions consists of zero to many <ugroup/> tags, each containing the name of the user group that is allowed access.