
The Mediawiki can also be imported. For the moment only pages import is supported.

The XML syntax is:

<mediawiki pages-backup="wiki_pages.xml" language="fr_FR" files-folder-backup="files">

language is the language of the wiki. Currently only en_EN and fr_FR are supported.

pages-backup is the path to the wiki pages backup done with the dumpBackup.php maintenance script provided by the Mediawiki project.

files-folder-backup is the path to the directory where the files to upload are stored into. All the files must be stored at the root of the folder.

read-access and write-access must contain ugroup tags with ugroup names.

At the moment, you should use the script located at $TULEAP_ROOT/plugins/mediawiki/bin/mw-maintenance-wrapper.php to export the pages of a tuleap Mediawiki .

For example, to export the mediawiki of the project named “toto” use $TULEAP_ROOT/plugins/mediawiki/bin/mw-maintenance-wrapper.php toto dumpBackup.php --full.

The schema is available here : mediawiki schema.