Tuleap 10.x
Tuleap 10.11
Incorrect path to the Git binaries in the Gitolite configuration
If you have installed after Tuleap, Gitolite will not be able to find the Git 2.12 binaries. Tuleap instances that have been installed before that and that have followed the deployment guide while upgrading are not impacted. Gitolite is the software used by Tuleap to, among other things, do the access control management of the Git repositories.
The Gitolite configuration must be updated to set the path environnement to
instead of /opt/rh/sclo-git212/root/usr/bin/git:$ENV{PATH}
The following one-liner can be used to achieve that:
#> sed -i "s#/opt/rh/sclo-git212/root/usr/bin/git:#/opt/rh/sclo-git212/root/usr/bin:#" /var/lib/gitolite/.gitolite.rc
Tuleap 10.10
Nothing to mention.
Tuleap 10.9
End of support of PHP 5.6
Tuleap now comes with PHP 7.2. All new installations defaults to this setup.
To switch on it, you first need to deploy the PHP FPM configuration for PHP 7.2.
/usr/share/tuleap/tools/utils/php72/run.php --module=fpm
Then stop the PHP FPM service running with PHP 5.6 and start a new one running with PHP 7.2.
On RHEL/CentOS 7:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart tuleap-php-fpm
On RHEL/CentOS 6:
service php56-php-fpm stop
chkconfig php56-php-fpm off
service php72-php-fpm start
chkconfig php72-php-fpm on # Useful if you want the service to be started on boot
Tuleap 10.8
Deployment of a new allowed command when doing Git over SSH operation
A new command must be allowed when doing Git over SSH operation for the support of Git LFS. You are concerned if:
you are running a RHEL/CentOS 6 server with the
packageyou are running a RHEL/CentOS 7 server with the
In the Gitolite configuration (/var/lib/gitolite/.gitolite.rc
) the command git-lfs-authenticate
must be added to the whitelisted commands.
The following one-liner can be used to achieve that:
#> sed -i -e "/# These are the commands enabled by default/a 'git-lfs-authenticate'," /var/lib/gitolite/.gitolite.rc
Apache configuration must be redeployed
In some cases the parsing of Apache logs was not done resulting in missing SVN usage statistics. In order to fix that, some configuration files might need to be redeployed.
You can use the following command to do so:
#> /usr/share/tuleap/tools/utils/php56/run.php --module=apache
Tuleap 10.7
Renaming of the Project Certification plugin
The Project Certification plugin has been renamed to Project Ownership. If you use this plugin, you will need to update the ForgeUpgrade configuration before the execution of the ForgeUpgrade utility.
You can use the following command to do so:
#> sed -i 's#/usr/share/tuleap/plugins/project_certification#/usr/share/tuleap/plugins/project_ownership#' /etc/tuleap/forgeupgrade/config.ini
Crosstracker nginx configuration
The nginx custom configuration file for the crosstracker plugin must be deleted.
To do this, you have to delete the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/tuleap-plugins/crosstracker.conf
and restart the nginx service.
Tuleap 10.6
Plugin Git with Gitolite3 now requires Git 2.12
The configuration of Gitolite must been manually updated to take into account the new path to the Git binaries. The update can be done with the following command:
#> sed -i "s#/opt/rh/rh-git29/root/usr/bin#/opt/rh/sclo-git212/root/usr/bin#" /var/lib/gitolite/.gitolite.rc
REST route POST /git/{id}/build_status
is no more available
As announced in Tuleap 10.2, this REST route has been replaced
by the REST route POST /git/{id_or_path}/statuses/{commit_reference}
Your CI jobs and scripts that are still using the last route will need to be updated.
More information on how to configure your CI jobs and updated script to publish the feedback of your jobs to Tuleap can be found here: Configure Jenkins to Tuleap feedback.
Removal of the IM plugin
The IM plugin has been removed and is not available anymore in the Tuleap repository. If you still had the plugin enabled on your Tuleap instance, it will disappear after the update.
Tuleap 10.5
PHP-FPM does not restart after PHP-FPM upgrade
Tuleap configuration can conflict with the default configuration of the PHP-FPM package. We advise you to create an empty configuration file for the default configuration to avoid the recreation of the default configuration file.
touch /etc/opt/remi/php56/php-fpm.d/www.conf
Tuleap 10.4
New RPM repository for PHP packages
The Software Collection for PHP 5.6 is not supported anymore, therefore Tuleap has moved to the remi-safe repository. You will need to install to be able to upgrade.
To install it if you are using RHEL/CentOS 6:
yum install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm
To install it if you are using RHEL/CentOS 7:
yum install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
You can find find more information about the installation of the remi-safe repository on the Remi’s RPM repositories Repository Configuration page.
Once the installation of this repository is done, you will need to stop the existing PHP-FPM service before proceeding to the update (see Upgrade):
service rh-php56-php-fpm stop
After the update, you will need to deploy the PHP-FPM configuration for the new service and to start it:
/usr/share/tuleap/tools/utils/php56/run.php --module=fpm
service php56-php-fpm start
chkconfig php56-php-fpm on # Useful if you want the service to be started on boot
If you had the sclo-php56-php-pecl-redis
package installed, you will need to
install the php56-php-pecl-redis
package (yum install php56-php-pecl-redis
After that your Tuleap instance should be running, you can then remove previous
PHP56 packages coming from the RH PHP56 SCL and PHP56 SCLo with yum remove rh-php56\* sclo-php56\*
If you previously had installed the CentOS Vault RPM repository you can also safely
remove it from your system (rm /etc/yum.repos.d/centos-vault-rh-php56.repo
Tuleap 10.3
Update of themes variants
The following theme variants does not exist anymore:
Please make sure that they are not anymore used by $sys_default_theme_variant
and $sys_available_theme_variants
variables in your /etc/tuleap/conf/local.inc
Monitoring and instrumentation
Instrumentation based on statsd has been removed in favor of Prometheus. See Monitoring with Prometheus.
Tuleap 10.2
Continuous integration jobs should use pullrequest target repository
Until now it was necessary to use the source repository when using continuous integration with pull requests. It is now recommended to update your jobs to use the target repository to retrieve data. The existing REST route to publish the build status has also been deprecated, in favor of a new route.
More information on how to configure your CI jobs and updated script to publish the feedback of your jobs to Tuleap can be found here: Configure Jenkins to Tuleap feedback.
Changes in Tuleap internal API to communicate with the database impacting external plugins
These changes only impacts users maintaining plugins outside the Tuleap codebase. If you are only using plugins from the official Tuleap repository you are not concerned and you can safely ignore this.
- If you maintain a plugin, it is highly recommended to do the following changes:
any direct usage of
must be replaced by\Tuleap\DB\Compat\Legacy2018\LegacyDataAccessInterface
any direct usage of
must be replaced by\Tuleap\DB\Compat\Legacy2018\LegacyDataAccessResultInterface
If possible, your code should be updated to work directly the API proposed under
the \Tuleap\DB\
Theses changes will become mandatory in upcoming versions of Tuleap.
Deprecation of statsd for the instrumentation
Tuleap 10.2 is the last version supporting statsd to publish instrumentation data. Tuleap 10.3 will come with a native support of Prometheus which will be the only supported way of collecting and processing instrumentation data in Tuleap.
Tuleap 10.0
Git mirroring: necessary update of the gitolite admin update script
If you use the Git mirroring feature, you will need to update the gitolite admin update script on the mirrors so it can work with recent of gitolite.
You need to replace on the mirrors the content of the file
gitname="`basename $git`"
if [ $gitname = gitolite-admin.git ]
cd $git
export GL_BINDIR=/usr/share/gitolite3
$HOME/.gitolite/hooks/gitolite-admin/post-update refs/heads/master
Improper certificate validation when communicating with Mattermost servers
This change only impacts users of the bot Mattermost plugins. Until Tuleap 10.0, certificates to communicate with Mattermost servers over HTTPS were not properly verified. The certificates are now properly verified as anywhere else in Tuleap, that means that connections to Mattermost might stop working if you use a certificate that is not signed by one of the certificate authorities recognized by your operating system. To solve it, you might want to use on your Mattermost server a certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority such as Let’s Encrypt or if you use your own internal certificate authority you will need to add it to the store of your OS as described here: Add a new certification authority to the CA bundle.
Apache configuration update to deal with an issue affecting Subversion copy and move operations
An issue affecting the Subversion copy and move operations has been discovered and fixed. Unfortunately, the fix requires from the administrators a manual update of the Apache configuration.
The following line needs to be added in the Apache virtualhost processing the Subversion requests:
RequestHeader edit Destination ^https http early
The corresponding configuration block can either be found in /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-vhost.conf
or if the file does not exist in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
In /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-vhost.conf
, once updated the virtualhost block will
look like this:
<VirtualHost> ServerName tuleap.example.com ServerAlias www.tuleap.example.com ServerAlias lists.tuleap.example.com RequestHeader edit Destination ^https http early # Include all configuration files from conf.d (php, subversion, etc.) # (also included from conf/ssl.conf) Include conf.d/tuleap-aliases/*.conf LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" commonvhost CustomLog logs/access_log commonvhost CustomLog logs/svn_log "%h %l %u %t %U %>s \"%{SVN-ACTION}e\"" env=SVN-ACTION </VirtualHost>
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
, once updated the virtualhost block will look
like this:
<VirtualHost *:8080> ServerName tuleap.example.com ServerAlias svn.*.tuleap.example.com RequestHeader edit Destination ^https http early Include conf.d/codendi_svnroot.conf </VirtualHost>
If you use a Distributed Tuleap setup, you will need to replace the following section in your nginx configuration
set $fixed_destination $http_destination; if ( $http_destination ~* ^https(.*)$ ) { set $fixed_destination http$1; }
proxy_set_header Destination $http_destination;