Tuleap 15.x

Tuleap 15.12


Tuleap 15.12 is currently under development.

Tuleap 15.11

New plugin: Tuleap PDF Template

This plugin is only available for Tuleap Entreprise.

How to install:

dnf install tuleap-plugin-pdftemplate
sudo -u codendiadm tuleap plugin:install pdftemplate
tuleap-cfg site-deploy
systemctl reload nginx
systemctl restart tuleap

Tuleap 15.10


/api/cross_tracker_reports/{id}/content REST endpoint changed its default return format to “selectable”. If you wish to use the previous return format, please add a parameter return_format=static. Cross-tracker search widgets have been updated to request the static return format, they will keep functioning as before.

End of Support of CentOS / RHEL 7

Tuleap 15.10 is the last version supporting CentOS / RHEL 7 as the operating system end of security support is on June 30th 2024.

Tuleap packages for CentOS / RHEL 7 will not be provided anymore. Instances must be migrated to an EL9 system (RHEL 9, Rocky Linux 9…).

New plugin: Tuleap Artidoc

This plugin is only available for Tuleap Entreprise.

How to install:

dnf install tuleap-plugin-artidoc
sudo -u codendiadm tuleap plugin:install artidoc
tuleap-cfg site-deploy
systemctl reload nginx
systemctl restart tuleap

Tuleap 15.9

Nothing to mention.

Tuleap 15.8

Nothing to mention.

Tuleap 15.7

Nothing to mention.

Tuleap 15.6

Removal of remaining dependencies to PHP 8.1 packages

The remaining dependencies to PHP 8.1 packages have been removed. After the upgrade you can remove the packages from your system.

On Rocky Linux 9:

dnf remove php81\*

On CentOS/RHEL 7:

yum remove php81\*

Tuleap 15.5

End of support of PHP 8.1

Tuleap now comes with PHP 8.2.

PHP FPM configuration will be deployed automatically by tuleap-cfg site-deploy.

If you have made some tweaks to the configuration file /etc/opt/remi/php81/php-fpm.d/tuleap.conf you will also needs to adapt them for the new configuration at /etc/opt/remi/php82/php-fpm.d/tuleap.conf.

$sys_nb_backend_workers removed from local.inc

The configuration variable $sys_nb_backend_workers, used for asynchronous job processing (see backend workers guide), is now set via tuleap config-set.

It is recommended to remove it from /etc/tuleap/conf/local.inc. If you had set it specifically to a value greater than 2, you can keep your settings by issuing the following command:

tuleap config-set sys_nb_backend_workers <NB>

New plugin: Tuleap Functions for Tracker

This plugin is only available for Tuleap Entreprise.

Tuleap Functions for Tracker execute custom code after each artifact creation/update.

How to install:

yum install tuleap-plugin-tracker-functions
sudo -u codendiadm tuleap plugin:install tracker_functions
tuleap-cfg site-deploy
systemctl reload nginx
systemctl restart tuleap

Tuleap 15.4

Nothing to mention.

Tuleap 15.3

Removal of remaining dependencies to PHP 7.4 packages

The remaining dependencies to PHP 7.4 packages have been removed. After the upgrade you can remove the packages from your system.

On CentOS/RHEL 7:

yum remove php74\*

On Rocky Linux 9:

dnf remove php74\*

Tuleap 15.2

End of support of MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 has reached its end of life and therefore is not supported by Tuleap anymore. You must upgrade to MySQL 8.0.

You can report to the upgrade guide for more information.

Tuleap 15.1

Nothing to mention.

Tuleap 15.0

Removal of the support of ForumML, CVS and of the management of system users and groups

The features related to the ForumML plugin, CVS and the management of system users and groups have been removed from Tuleap.

We recommend that you remove the package dependencies that were associated to these features:

yum remove cvs-tuleap mailman-tuleap libnss-mysql

If you were relying on the management of system users and groups by Tuleap you will need to manage those users manually and you should also remove any mention of mysql in the /etc/nsswitch.conf configuration file.